Does our Meeting encourage the ministry of both word and deed?
How does our Meeting recognize, develop, and nurture the gifts of our members and attenders of all ages?
Does our Meeting prepare all its members and children for worship and for a way of life consistent with the principles of the Religious Society of Friends?
In what ways do we support each other in order to seek God’s will and act upon our understanding of truth? Is there opportunity in our Meeting to share the excitement of religious discovery and the possibility of religious transformation?
Does our Meeting provide opportunities for all in the Meeting to learn about:
– the Inner Light, the living Christ within, the Bible, the writings of Friends, our Christian heritage, other religious traditions and their respective roles in the history and formation of Friends’ principles?
– the common testimonies Friends declare?
– the variety of expression Quaker faith take today?
Do I maintain as part of my personal and family life those daily practices that focus on continued spiritual growth, with disciplined worship, inward retirement, and communion with the divine spirit?
Do I frequently read the Bible and other religious literature, including the records of the lives and experiences of Friends? Do I take the time to explore these resources with others, and likewise encourage my children?
Do I share my faith and spiritual journey, and encourage such sharing within my family?